The West Banyuwangi Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of the forest resource management units (SDH) of the Perum Perhutani East Java Regional Division. Based on government administration, the KPH West Banyuwangi is located in the Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province.
According to the Banyuwangi Regency statistical book, the forest area in Banyuwangi Regency is 206,139.29 ha or 35.6% of the Banyuwangi Regency’s land area which is 5,782.50 km2. The forest area of KPH West Banyuwangi is 42,707.20 Ha or 7.4% of the land area of Banyuwangi Regency or 20.72% of the total forest area in Banyuwangi Regency.
The general condition of the working area in more detail as follows:
A. Forest Area
1. BH Kalisetail (Pine Company class)
BH Kalisetail, with an area of 23,691 ha, is located within the administrative area of the Banyuwangi Regency.
The forest boundaries of the BH Kalisetail are as follows:
a. North: BH Wonosari, KPH Bondowoso
b. East: Land of Pemajekan
c. South : BH Genteng, KPH South Banyuwangi
d. West: BH Sempolan, KPH Jember
While geographically, the area of the Kalisetail Forest is located at:
a. North: 8o12’19” South Latitude
b. East: 8o37’11.6” South Latitude
c. South: 7o7’52.7” East Longitude
d. East 7o30’9.1” East Longitude
The topography of the Kalisetail Forest is undulating, with steep slopes and deep rainfall due to the steep cliffs.
The Kalisetail forest is a slope that stretches from west to east. To the west, there are the Kali Mrawan mountains, from south to north, with steep slopes overgrown with natural forest, some of which are protected forests with an altitude of approximately 500 m above sea level.
In particular, at BH Kalisetail, there is no watershed (DAS), but the presence of rivers flowing in this area can irrigate agricultural land in the vicinity.
Based on a survey from the Directorate of Land Use of the Directorate General of Agrarian Affairs at the Ministry of Home Affairs in 1986, the condition of the soil in the BH Kalisetali area, which includes texture, soil depth, and soil type, can be described as follows:
According to SCHMIDT and FERGUSON, the Kalisetail BH forest area is classified as a climate C.
You can see the complete division of the Kalisetail BH forest in the table
2. BH Licin Porolinggo (Damar/resin Company Class).
BH Licin Porolinggo, with an area of 19,015.36 ha, is located within the administrative area of Banyuwangi Regency.
The forest boundaries of BH Licin Porolinggo are as follows:
a. North: BH Alasbuluh Gombeng, KPH North Banyuwangi
b. East: Land of Pemajekan
c. South: BH Kalisetail, KPH West Banyuwangi
d. West: BH Wonosari, KPH Bondowoso
While geographically, BH Licin Porolinggo is located at:
a. North: -7o53’20.88” South Latitude
b. East: -8o7’40.67” South Latitude
c. South: 7o4’7.29” East Longitude
d. East: 7o26’0” East Jakarta
The topography of BH Licin Porolinggo is undulating; steep slopes and deep bulk are difficult to traverse because the cliffs are pretty steep.
The BH Licin Porolinggo is located in the Mrawan Mountains, a slope stretching from east to west, with an altitude of approximately 500 m above sea level.
In particular, at BH Licin Porolinggo, there is no watershed (DAS), but the presence of rivers flowing in this area can irrigate agricultural land in the vicinity.
Based on a survey from the Directorate of Land Use of the Directorate General of Agrarian Affairs at the Ministry of Home Affairs in 1986, the condition of the soil in the BH Licin Porolinggo area, which includes texture, soil depth, and soil type, can be described as follows:
a. Soil texture
BH Licin Porolinggo overall has a medium texture.
b. Soil depth
Soil depth is divided into four classifications, i.e. type A is 90 cm and above, type B is 60-90 cm, type C is 30-60 cm, and type D is less than 30 cm. In BH Licin Porolinggo, most of the soil is type A with an area of + 87.7% of the total area, type B + 7.18%, type C + 5.12%, and there is no type D.
c. Type of soil
The soil type in BH Licin Porolinggo is dominated by Podsolic, + 88.6% of the total area, and Regosol + 11.4%.
According to SCHMIDT and FERGUSON, the BH Licin Porolinggo forest area is classified as an area with a B climate.
You can see the details on the BH Licin Porolinggo forest division in the BH Licin Porolinggo Area Division table.
Division of .BH Licin Porolinggo Area
(See : KPH Map)
Administratur Name : Muklisin
Perum Perhutani KPH Banyuwangi Barat
Divisi Regional Jawa Timur
Jl. Jaksa Agung Soeprapto No 34 Banyuwangi
Telp: 0333 424327
Fax: 0333 421649
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