Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) East Pekalongan is one of the management units in the Central Java Regional Division. Its area is 52.361,49 Ha, covering forest areas in Central Java Province, i.e. Pekalongan Regency, Batang Regency and Pemalang Regency. Based on the evaluation of the potential of forest resources in 2014, the forest area of ​​the KPH East Pekalongan is Production Forest (HP), covering an area of ​​3.665,72 Ha (7%), Limited Production Forest (HPT) covering an area of ​​41.889,20 Ha (80%) and Protected Forest (HL) covering an area of ​​6.806,99 Ha (13%).

KPH East Pekalongan is a production forest based on topography consisting of 0.40% flat land, sloping (9.40%), wavy (22.20%), slightly steep (41.00%), and steep 27.00%. It is located at an altitude of 0 to 1,800 above sea level. Based on Geology consists of rock types. The KPH East Pekalongan area’s climate is in type A and B, with moderate rainfall.

The forest area of ​​the East Pekalongan KPH has three Forest Sections (BH) under the company class of Jungle forest, with soil types as follows:

  1. BH Randudongkal, soil type: Latosol, Padsolic, Regosol, Grumusol
  2. BH Paninggaran, soil type: Latosol, Padsolic, Regosol, Grumusol
  3. BH Bandar, soil type: Latosol, Padsolic, Regosol, Grumusol

KPH East Pekalongan forest area management is divided into 7 BKPHs and 28 RPHs. Each RPH has field implementers for plant activities, maintenance, thinning, security, pine resin tapping, extension/social assistants, environmental assistants, and logging (BKPH). There are 292 employees of KPH East Pekalongan.

The seven BKPHs are Randudongkal, Kesesi, Paninggaran, Doro, Bandar and Bawang. ​​BKPH Randudongkal (8,850.75 Ha), covering RPH Bongas, RPH Bulakan, RPH Majalangu, RPH Watukumpu and RPH Wisnu. BKPH Kesesi (​​7,766.30 Ha), in charge of RPH Brondong, RPH Pedagung, RPH Pringsurat and RPH Tambaksari. BKPH Paninggaran (8,680.10 ha) is responsible for RPH Kandangserang, RPH Paninggaran, RPH Sigugur and RPH Winduaji.

Furthermore, BKPH Karanganyar (7,091.09 Ha) covers RPH Kapundutan, RPH Lebakbarang, RPH Pakuluran and RPH Rogoselo. Then BKPH Doro (7,683.33 Ha) oversees RPH Gumelem, RPH Jolotigo, RPH Lemahabang and RPH Tlogopakis. Meanwhile, BKPH Bandar (​​5,997.47 ha), including RPH Sodong, RPH Tombo and RPH Kembanglangit. BKPH Bawang (6,724.63 Ha), including RPH Banteng, RPH Candigugur, RPH Gerlang and RPH Ngadirejo. In addition, the KPH East Pekalongan also covers a groove area of ​​478.57 Ha.

Public Summary

Administratur Name : Candra Musi

Perum Perhutani KPH Pekalongan Timur
Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah
JL. Jend Sudirman No. 21, Pekalongan 51111
Telp : 0285 421813

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