General Features:
Colour: golden brown to reddish brown, easily distinguishable from sapwood, which is slightly white to grey in colour. Pattern: beautifully decorative thanks to the clear growing circle, slightly opaque and greasy. Texture: slightly coarse to coarse and uneven. Fibre Direction: straight, wavy, to slightly blended. Annual rings are clearly visible in the transverse, radial and tangential planes. Hardness: slightly hard.
Anatomical Features:
Vessels/Pore: circular, round to ovoid shape, the tangential diameter of the early wood section about 340-370 microns, in the final wood section about 50-290 microns, simple perforated areas containing tylosis or white deposits. Parenchyma: paratracheal type: thin sheath form; in the early wood, the sheath is relatively wide to form a marginal band; the rare apotracheal type generally creates chains of about four cells. Radius: wide, consisting of 4 series or more, for about 4-7 per mm, the direction is tangential, the composition of the cells is homocellular (only lying cells), and the height can reach 0.9 mm.
Properties and Uses:
Density: 0.67 (0.62 – 0.75) on average; Durability class: I-II; Solidity Class: II; Use: used for various purposes, including building materials, door and window frames, door panels, railway sleepers, household furniture, truck body bodies, boat decks, sering lumber, beauty veneer. Teak wood is also often used as a primary material for domestic and international furniture and wood industries.
Other names:
Deleg, dodolan, jate, jateh, jatih, jatos, kulidawa This wood is also a type of tree with a slow and low growth rate, so it takes a long time to use the teak tree’s wood. This tree is one of the plants that produce wood with extraordinary quality and is well-known throughout the world. Lots of items made of teak wood have very long durability.
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