The Banten Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of the management units in the West Java and Banten Regions. KPH Banten was formed Based on the Decree of the Board of Directors No: 95/Kpts/Dir/3/2020 dated March 31 concerning the Division of Forest Areas for KPH Banten with an Area of79,483.45 Ha. It is located in 4 (four) district and city administrative areas: Serang Regency (5,581.67 Ha), Pandeglang Regency (34,785.73 Ha), Cilegon Municipality (515,000 Ha), Lebak Regency (37,249.50 Ha) and Tangerang Regency ( 1,351.55 Ha), Banten Province.
Geographically, KPH Banten is located at 5o53’16.8 “- 7o0’54” South Latitude and 105o37’44.4 “- 106o24’54” East Longitude. The boundaries of the KPH Banten area are as follows:
The forest soil is primarily rocky (lime), with soil types generally consisting of 5 kinds: Leptosol, Latosol, Podsolic, Alluvial and Regosol. Most soil is dark grey grumusols and associations of greyish brown and yellowish grumusols.
The forest area is located at an altitude of 10–1,778 meters above sea level, with climates of types A, B, C and D, according to Schmidt & Ferguson. The environment with this type of climate is very suitable for planting teak stands. The average temperature is 26oC, and the average rainfall is 1,636 mm/year.
The forest in the KPH Banten area is dominated by teak plantations covering an area of 40,112 ha, mahogany covering an area of14,844 ha and the remaining 23,531 ha being Acacia Mangium plants. KPH Banten has several leading tourist attractions, including Mt. Pinang Nature Tourism, Carita Beach, and Mt. Pulosari Crater & Waterfall.
The forest management of KPH Banten is divided into 2 Forest Management Sub Units (SKPH), SKPH West Banten and SKPH East Banten. They are divided into 8 (eight) Forest Management Unit Sections (BKPH) and 25 Forest Management Resorts (RPH).
SKPH West Banten consists of BKPH Serang 6,232.33 Ha, BKPH Pandeglang 10,083.66 Ha, BKPH Subang 11,715.20 Ha, BKPH Cikeusik 14,202.76 Ha, with a total area of 42,233.95 Ha.
SKPH East Banten consists of BKPH Rangkasbitung 7,433.12 ha, BKPH Mt.Kencana 8,990.04 ha, BKPH Malimping 15,092.57 ha, BKPH Bayah 5,733.77 ha; 37,249.50 ha in total.
KPH Banten is led by 1 Administrator / KKPH whose administrative duties are assisted by 2 Deputy Administrators; the Deputy Administrator of West Banten and the Deputy Administrator of East Banten.
260 employees work in KPH Banten, consisting of 249 males and 11 females. Employee Composition: 260. Educational Composition: Master’s Degree = 2 people, Bachelor’s Degree = 20 people, Diploma Degree = 4 people, Senior High School graduate = 179 people, Junior High School graduate = 30 people, Elementary School graduate = 25 people.
Administratur Name : Agus Soleh
Perum Perhutani KPH
Divisi Regional Jawa Barat & Banten
Jalan Yusuf Martadilaga No.09, Serang– Banten
Kode Pos: 42117 – Provinsi Banten
Telp. (0254) 205810 Fax (0254) 200205