The East Java Regional Division is one of Perum Perhutani’s work units, which manages forests in East Java Province. The forest area managed by Perhutani East Java Regional Division is 1.116.060,38 ha which consists of a Production forest area of ​​805036,7749 ha or (72,13%) and a Protected forest area of ​​311.023,61 ha or (27,87%) .

The division based on Company Class (KP) in the Regional Division of the East Java Regional Division consists of 7 KPs, i.e. KP Jati (Teak) (678.413,17 Ha), KP Pinus (Pine) (​​332.154,13 Ha), KP Mahoni (Mahogany) (30.279,14Ha), KP Damar (resin) (44.711,6 Ha), KP Sengon (Albizia Chinensis) (15.391,61 Ha), KP Kesambi (Schleichera Oleosa) (3.438,73 Ha), and KP Kayu Putih (Cajuput) (11.672,00 Ha).

Perhutani East Java Regional Division’s work area is divided into 23 Forest Management Units (KPH), 196 Forest Management Units (BKPH) and 693 Forest Management Resorts (RPH) and 5 Regional Forest Planning Section (PHW) work units, Independent Business Units for Product Industries Forest (KBM IHH) which oversees, PGT and PMKP and KBM Wisata.

The main products of Perhutani East Java Regional Division include logs, processed wood, gondorukem, turpentine, eucalyptus oil, resin sap and hundreds of natural tourism services managed by KPH. It is also supported by three Industrial Gondorukem and Turpentine (PGT) factories in Ponorogo, Trenggalek and Jember; three factories Eucalyptus Oil Processing (PMKP) in Ponorogo, Mojokerto and Pasuruan; the Sengon Plywood Processing Factory in Pare Kediri.

The East Java Regional Division has obtained the SNI ISO 9001:2015 certificate valid from February 17, 2023, to March 3, 2026, the Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) certificate valid from May 18, 2021, to May 17, 2027, the voluntary FM-FSC certificate valid from September 1, 2019, to May 18, 2024, and the CW-FSC certificate for all other KPHs valid from September 1, 2022, to December 19, 2024.

In managing the forest, Perhutani involves the participation of the community and other stakeholders; the East Java Regional Division collaborates with 1.384 Forest Village Community Institutions (LMDH) and contributes in the form of the Partnership and Community Development Program, sharing production of forest products, as well as employment of forest village communities.

  • Divisi Regional Jawa Timur
  • Jl. Genteng Kali No. 49 Tromol Pos 840, Surabaya 6008
  • Telp : (031) 5343851
  • Fax : (031) 5311784
  • E-mail:

The East Java Regional Division consists of 23 Forest Management Units (KPH) and 4 Independent Business Units (KBM), with the following profiles:

KPH Banyuwangi Barat Profile
KPH Banyuwangi Selatan Profile
KPH Banyuwangi Utara Profile
KPH Blitar Profile
KPH Bojonegoro Profile
KPH Bondowoso Profile
KPH Jatirogo Profile
KPH Jember Profile
KPH Jombang Profile
KPH Kediri Profile
KPH Lawu Ds Profile
KPH Madiun Profile
KPH Madura Profile
KPH Malang Profile
KPH Mojokerto Profile
KPH Nganjuk Profile
KPH Ngawi Profile
KPH Padangan Profile
KPH Parengan Profile
KPH Pasuruan Profile
KPH Probolinggo Profile
KPH Saradan Profile
KPH Tuban Profile
KBM Penjualan Profile
KBM Industri Hasil Hutan Profile
KBM Ecotourism Profile
KBM Industri Sagu Papua Profile