South Bandung Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of the management units of ​​Perum Perhutani Regional Division of West Java & Banten. The area of ​​forest area is based on the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia dated July 16, 1952, No.73/Um/1952 and reaffirmed by the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia dated November 28, 1966, No.36/Um/1966, which is 55,476.66 Ha, with details of the area of ​​forest based on their function as follows:

  • Production Forest = 7,752.59 Ha (12.97%)
  • Limited Production Forest = 3,781.61 Ha (6.88%)
  • Protected Forest = 43,912.55 Ha (79.15%)

The South Bandung KPH forest area is grouped into 4 (four) forest sections:

  • Mt. Jubleg Forest Section: 11,549.20 Ha
  • Mt. Tambakruyung Forest Sectio: 18,144.52 Ha
  • Mt. Tilukancana Forest Section: 10,303.39 Ha
  • Mt. Malabar Forest Section: 15,449.64 Ha

Total: 55.476,66 Ha

Based on the land suitability, the South Bandung KPH forest area is included in the Pine Company class.

Meanwhile, based on the management area, it is divided into 9 (Nine) BKPHs, with the following details:

West Region SKPH

BKPH Rajamandala = 2.054,86 Ha

BKPH Cililin = 1.864,59 Ha

BKPH Gunung Halu = 7.839,16 Ha

BKPH West Tambakruyung = 7.836,16 Ha

BKPH East Tambakruyung = 10.059,86 Ha

Eastern Region SKPH

BKPH Ciwidey = 4.800,00 Ha

BKPH Pangalengan = 8.156,46 Ha

BKPH Banjaran = 9.234,28 Ha

BKPH Ciparay = 3.840,70 Ha

TOTAL = 55.467,66 Ha

South Bandung Regency is geographically located between 06° 00′ South Latitude to 07° 19′ South Latitude and 100° 5′ East Longitude to 106° 22′ East Longitude, with regional boundaries as follows:

  1. North side: North Bandung KPH, Perum Perhutani Regional Division of West Java and Banten
  2. East side: KPH Garut, Perum Perhutani Regional Division of West Java and Banten
  3. South side; KPH Cianjur and Garut, Perum Perhutani Regional Division of West Java and Banten
  4. West side: KPPH Cianjur, Perum Perhutani Regional Division of West Java and Banten


The KPH South Bandung forest area is located between 600 m – 2,400 m above sea level. Most of the site tends to be in the highlands, with a small part in the lowlands. The topography of the field is hilly with wavy to gently sloping terrain with latosol, andosol, and regosol soil types as the parent rock material in the form of clay deposits, marl limestone and intermediate volcanic tuff (leptosol) with loose to clay textures, crumb to lumpy soil structure and soils with moderate to high erosion sensitivity.

According to Schmidt and Ferguson’s classification, the climate of the forest area is included in climate types A and B, with an air temperature range of 220c – 330c and an average rainfall of 1,500 – 5,200 mm/year.

The number of South Bandung KPH employees is 242 people with the following explanation:

  •   Company employees: 233 people
  •   Executive employees: 9 people
  •   Kelola Produksi

Production Management

Environmental Management

Social Management


Administrator Name : Lily Kurnia Asih

Perum Perhutani KPH Bandung Selatan
Divisi Regional Jawa Barat & Banten
Jalan Cirebon No.4 Bandung
Telp. 022 7208310 Fax. 022 7231239

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