North Bandung Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of the management units of West Java and Banten Regional Division. Its area is 20,560.36 Ha, covering forest areas located in the districts of Bandung, West Bandung, Subang and Purwakarta. Based on the results of the evaluation of forest resources potential in 2014, the forest area of ​​North Bandung KPH is Production Forest covering an area of ​​3,021.75 Ha (14.6%), HPT>15% covering an area of ​​1,378.43 ha (6.7%) and a protected forest area of ​​16,160.18 Ha. (78.60%).

North Bandung KPH is classified as a Pine Company Class forest area and is generally in highland areas with undulating field conditions to ravines with gentle to very steep slopes. North Bandung KPH is located at an altitude of 500 to 1500 above sea level. Based on geology, the condition consists of regosol, andosol and leptosol. The climate in the North Bandung KPH area includes types A and B, with rainfall of 1,800-3000 mm per year.

The forest area of ​​North Bandung KPH has two Forest Sections with company class and soil type, as presented in table 1.

Types of soil in each Forest Section:

  1.   BH Mt. Sanggarah (Pine): Regosol, andosol and leptosol.
  2.   BH Mt. Karamat (Pine): Regosol, andosol and leptosol.

Forest area management in North Bandung KPH is organized into 4 BKPH and 16 RPH. Each RPH has field implementers for plant activities, maintenance, thinning, security, social instructors/assistants, environmental assistants, and logging. KPH North Bandung has 158 employees in total.

The four BKPHs are Cisalak, Lembang, Padalarang, and West Manglayang. The area of ​​BKPH Cisalak is 7,892.53 Ha, covering the working area of ​​RPH Bukaagara, RPH Wanayasa, RPH Gn Karamat and RPH Gn Kadaka. BKPH Lembang has an area of ​​4,103.32 Ha, including RPH Cisarua, RPH Lembang, and RPH Cikole. BKPH Padalarang covers an area of ​​4,442.86 Ha, overseeing RPH Cipeundeuy, RPH Rajamandala, RPH East Cikalong, and RPH South Burangrang. BKPH West Manglayang has an area of ​​4,121.65 Ha, including RPH Cibodas, RPH Arcamanik, and RPH Ujungberung. (Check:  Peta Wilayah Kerja (Working Area Map))

Public Summary, HCVF dan Konsultasi Publik



Administratur Name : Muhadi

Perum Perhutani KPH Bandung Utara

Divisi Regional Jawa Barat & Banten
Jl.  Cianjur  1 A  Bandung

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