Kantor KPH Garut

Kantor KPH Garut


KPH Garut Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of the management units under the West Java and Banten Regional Division. The forest area based on SK Minister of Forestry No. 195 covers an area of ​​81,510.65 Ha, with details of forest area based on its function, Production Forest 166.50 Ha (0.20 %), Limited Production Forest 5,429.60 Ha (6.66 %), and Protected Forest 75,938.29 Ha (93.14%).

Based on land suitability, the KPH Garut Forest area is divided into 2 (two) Company classes (KP), KP Jati (Teak) 6,537.58 Ha, and KP Pinus (Pine) 74,996.81 Ha.

Meanwhile, based on the management area, it is divided into 9 (nine) BKPHs, with the following details: BKPH Leles 3,629.90 Ha, BKPH Cibatu 7,688.19 Ha, BKPH Bayongbong 6,419.74 Ha, BKPH Cikajang 10,967.57 Ha, BKPH Cileuleuy 14,145.96 Ha, BKPH Sumadra 11,052.78 Ha, BKPH Bungbulang 11,835.70 Ha, BKPH Cisompet 11,787.16 Ha, BKPH Pameungpeuk 4,007.39 Ha. (Data source: Results of 2012 SDH Potential Evaluation, Peta KPH Garut)

Garut Regency Area Conditions

Geographical Condition

Garut Regency is geographically located between 6057’34” – 7044’57” South Latitude and 107024’3″ – 108024’34” East Longitude with an area of ​​3,065.19 km2. The boundaries are north: Bandung and Sumedang Regency; south: Indian Ocean; west: Bandung and Cianjur Regency; and east: Tasikmalaya Regency.

The capital city of Garut Regency is Garut City, although most of the Government Offices are in Tarogong Kidul. The northern, eastern and western areas are generally highland areas with hilly and mountainous natural conditions, while the southern regions have a relatively steep slope.

The observation data shows that the water resources in Garut Regency are quite a lot, which is indicated by the number of river flows (such as the Cimanuk river and its tributaries, Cikandang, Cikaengan, Cisanggiri, Cilayu and Cilaki). According to Schmidt & Ferguson, KPH Garut’s climate type based on the area is divided into 10.56% type A, 80.23% type B and 9.21% type C.

Garut Regency has a tropical climate with high rainfall (2,623 mm/year at the highest). It also has many rainy days, fertile land, and is supported by many rivers, which make most of its area utilized as agricultural land.

Soil types in the north generally consist of latosols, andosols and regosols, in the middle consist typically of latosols and podsolic soils, while in the south part consist of laterite, grumusol, podsolic, and alluvial soils.

Demographic Condition

The government area in Garut Regency consists of 42 Districts and 424 Villages/Kelurahan. Of the 424 villages, 190 are located in or bordering forest areas managed by Perum Perhutani KPH Garut. The population in Garut Regency in 2012 was 2,445,911 people consisting of 1,238,382 men and 1,207,529 women, with an average household size of 4 to 5 people.

Area & Number of Employees

The general Garut Regency area is ​​306,519.00 Ha. KPH Garut has 231 employees; 228 are the Company’s Employees and three executive employees.


Public Summary

Administratur : Tofik Hidayat

Perum Perhutani KPH Garut
Divisi Regional Jawa Barat & Banten
Jl Raya Samarang No.64 samarang Garut

Email : kph.garut@perhutani.co.id