The area of the KPH Purwakarta, as determined by the Decree of the Board of Directors of Perum Perhutani Number: 903/KPTS/DIR/2013 dated 30 August 2013, concerning Forest Areas Division in Purwakarta Forest Management Units is 60,609.83 Ha.
KPH Purwakarta Forest Area based on the 2016-2025 Forest Conservation Management Plan (RPKH) is 60,609.83 Ha, due to the addition of 54.44 Ha (additional land), with details of 0.23 Ha at BKPH Sadang, 28, 00 Ha in BKPH Pangkalan and 26.21 Ha in BKPH Purwakarta.
Geographically, the Purwakarta KPH area is located at 1070 02′ to 1070 40′ East Longitude and 50 56′ to 60 45′ South Latitude with the following boundaries:
Work areas division based on KPH Purwakarta Administration is West Java Province, which includes Purwakarta Regency covering an area of17,152.93 Ha (28.30%), Subang Regency covering an area of 19,712.20 Ha (35.52%) and Karawang Regency covering an area of 23,744.70 Ha (39.18 %).
Based on Company Class (KP), KPH Purwakarta is divided into 4 (four) KPs, KP Jati with 13,745.74 Ha, KP Karet with an area of 4,668.91 Ha, KP Mahoni with an area of 38,017.26 Ha and KP Pinus with an area of4,177.92 Ha.
Based on the functions, KPH Purwakarta Forest Area consists of Production Forest (HP) covering an area of 28,419.43 Ha, Limited Production Forest (HPT) < 15% covering an area of 5,848.16 Ha, HPT > 15% covering an area of 10,445.03 Ha and Protected Forest (HL) covering an area of15,897.21 Ha.
To facilitate and expedite the management of forest areas, KPH Purwakarta is divided into 2 (two) Sub KPHs (SKPH), SKPH Purwakarta and SKPH Subang. Those SKPHs are overseeing 10 (ten) Forest Management Unit Sections (BKPH): BKPH Purwakarta-Jatiluhur covering an area of 9,987.41 Ha, BKPH Sadang covering an area of 5,321.13 Ha, BKPH Cipeundeuy covering an area of3,535.82 Ha, BKPH Kalijati covering an area of 4,632.79 Ha, BKPH Subang covering an area of 3,183.28 Ha, BKPH Tambakan covering an area of 4,177.92 Ha, BKPH Pamanukan covering an area of 7,082.28 Ha, BKPH Pangkalan an area of 7,216.31 Ha, BKPH Telukjambe 6,657.96 Ha and BKPH Cikiong covering 8,814.93 Ha, with total 34 (thirty-four) Forest Management Resorts (RPH).
Meanwhile, the division according to the Forest Section (BH) of the KPH Purwakarta forest area is divided into 10 (ten) Forest Sections in full in the following table:
The KPH Purwakarta forest area division based on the Watershed (DAS) includes the Citarum watershed covering an area of 32,676.61 ha, the Cipunagara watershed covering an area of 4,177.92 ha and the Cilamaya watershed covering an area of 23,755.30 ha.
The topography of the Purwakarta KPH forest area ranges from lowlands to mountains, with elevations ranging from 10 meters to 490 meters above sea level. Generally, the shape of the field is flat, gently sloping, back and hilly, especially the KP Pinus, which has a sloping to a slightly steep slope. The following is the Table of Altitude List for Each Forest Group:
Based on the 1966 Soil Map Review, the types of soil found in the Purwakarta KPH forest area are red and reddish-brown latosols, reddish-brown and yellow podzolic made of clay and limestone, intermediate volcanic rocks, limestone with physiography of plains and hills of folds.
KPH Purwakarta has employees.
Production Management
Environmental Management
Social Management
KPH Purwakarta 2019 Wood Controlled Document
Administratur Name : Widi Wiliady
Perum Perhutani KPH Purwakarta
Divisi Regional Jawa Barat & Banten
Jalan Siliwangi No. 35 Purwakarta Kode Pos 41111
Telp. (0264) 200335 Fax. (0264) 200233
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