Sumedang Forest Management Unit (KPH) ) is one of the management units under the West Java and Banten Regional Division. KPH Sumedang was formed based on the Decree of the Governor of West Java No. 60/B.XII/PD/SK/68 dated February 14, 1968, regarding the Sumedang Forest Management Unit establishment. KPH Sumedang is an administrative area of the Sumedang Regency with36,547.39 ha in size. Geographically, the working area location coordinates of KPH Sumedang are between 6° 40′ – 07° 53′ South Latitude and 08° 00′ – 107° 04′ East Longitude.
The boundaries of the Sumedang KPH area are as follows:
· West: KPH North Bandung and KPH Purwakarta working area
Soil types in the forest area of KP Jati and KP Pinus KPH Sumedang consist of red latosol, reddish brown latosol, grey regosol, grey grumusol and groundwater laterite. Soil type is one factor determining the function of forest areas. Based on their sensitivity to erosion (SK. Mentan No. 837/Kpts/ Um/8/1980), they are classified as follows:
Following the soil classification, the soil types in KP Jati and KP Pinus KPH Sumedang are dominated by Latosol, Regosol and Grumusol, meaning the soil type is somewhat sensitive to erosion and very sensitive to erosion.
The climate of an area is closely related to the management of a company class (KP) because vegetation growth is strongly influenced by the environmental climate conditions, such as air temperature, rainfall intensity and the number of rainy days. The climate and weather conditions around KP Jati and KP Pinus KPH Sumedang can be described as follows:
The forest management of KPH Sumedang is divided into 2 Forest Management Sub Units (SKPH), SKPH North Sumedang and SKPH South Sumedang. It is divided into 9 (nine) Forest Management Unit Sections (BKPH) and 30 Forest Management Resorts (RPH), and 1 Timber Stockpiling Area (TPK). KPH Sumedang has 273 employees.
North Sumedang sub-KPH consists of BKPH Songgom with an area of2,951.85 ha, BKPH Buahdua 2,063.25 ha, BKPH Conggeang with an area of5,979.85 ha, BKPH Ujung Jaya with an area of 3,265.22 ha and BKPH North Tomo 3,224.37 ha. The total SKPH North Sumedang area is 17,484.54 ha.
The South Sumedang sub-KPH consists of BKPH South Tomo 5,191.33 ha, BKPH Cadasngampar 5,736.40 ha, BKPH East Manglayang 5,674.82 ha, and BKPH Tampomas 2,460.30 ha, the total area of SKPH South Sumedang is 19,062.85, and the entire area of KPH Sumedang is 36,547.39 Ha.
Noor Rochman, STP, MP, currently leads KPH Sumedang as Administrator/KKPH. In his duties, the Sumedang Administrator is assisted by 2 Deputy Administrators, including the Deputy Administrator of North Sumedang and the Deputy Administrator of South Sumedang. You can see more details in the following Organizational Structure chart:
Nama Administratur : Avid Rollick Septiana
Perum Perhutani KPH Sumedang
Divisi Regional Jawa Barat & Banten
Jalan Serma Muchtar No.95 Sumedang
Kode Pos : 45323 – Provinsi Jawa Barat
Telp. (0261) 2011731 Fax. (0261) 207175
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