Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) Tasikmalaya is one of the management units under the West Java and Banten Regional Division. KPH Tasikmalaya was formed based on Perum Perhutani Board of Directors decree No. 910/KPTS/Dir/2013 concerning the Division of Forest Areas in the Tasikmalaya Forest Management Unit. The forest area is 43,974.61 Ha, including those located in Tasikmalaya Regency and Tasikmalaya City, West Java Province. Geographically, it is located at 7’03’00’ to 7’48’10 South Latitude and 107’54’32’ to 108P’28’5′ East Longitude. Perum Perhutani KPH Tasikmalaya forest area covers an area of43,974.61 Ha, which by functions, are divided into:
Total : 43,974.61 Ha
KPH Tasikmalaya forest is divided into 5 (five) BKPHs and 18 (Eighteen) Forest Management Resorts (RPH) consisting of:
KPH Tasikmalaya has a total number of 179 employees.
KPH Tasikmalaya forest area is divided into 3 (Three) Company Classes (KP): KP Jati (Teak), KP Mahoni (Mahogany), and KP Pinus (Pine), with climate types A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. KP Jati and KP Mahoni area have wavy topography, mountains and hills with the slopes range from gently sloping to very steep; while KP Pinus has relatively bumpy, the hills, mountains and slopes are very steep topography. KP Jati and KP Mahoni areas are located at an altitude ranging from 0-600 m above sea level, which is an ideal condition for teak. On the other hand, KP Pinus is at an altitude ranging from 0-900 m above sea level, which is very good for pine plants.
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Administratur Name : Nandang Kusnandar
Perum Perhutani KPH Tasikmalaya
Divisi Regional Jawa Barat & Banten
Jl. Kehutanan No 6, Kelurahan Empangsari, Kecamatan Tawang, Kota Tasikmalaya
Telp. (0265) 331701 Fax. (0265) 335764
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