The West Banyumas Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of the Perhutani management units under the Central Java Regional Division work area. Its area is 55,562.99 Ha, covering 7,774.55 Ha (13.99%) of forest area in Banyumas Regency and 47,788.45 Ha (86.01%) in Cilacap, consisting of​​28,326.60 Ha (50.98 %) of Production Forest,  25,892.18 Ha (46.60%) of Limited Production Forest, 114.10 Ha (0.21 %) of Protection Forest and 1,230.10 Ha (2.21%) of Groove area.

The West Banyumas Perhutani area is categorized as a B climate type, with rainfall of 3,500 mm/year. The highest wet month is in November and the lowest wet month is in April.

The altitude above sea level (asl) is between 0 to 800 m asl and the topography of the West Banyumas Perhutani area is Flat (slope 0 – 8 %) 23,78 %, Sloping (slope 8 – 15 %) 7,61%, Wavy ( Slope 15 – 25 %) 43,71 %, Slightly Steep (Slope 25 – 40 %) 4.45% and Steep (slope > 40 %) 0,46 %.

Soil types consist of Latosol, Leptosol, Gromosol, Regosol, Alluvial, Mediterranean, Planosol, and geological conditions (rock types) consist of Limestone, Volcano, and Naval.

KPH West Banyumas has five Forest Sections: Cilacap, Dayeuhluhur, Lumbir, Majenang and Sidareja, with a Pine forest class. Forest management is divided into eight Forest Management Units (BKPH); each BKPH is divided by Forest Pemangkuan Resort (RPH).

The areas of the eight Forest Management Units (BKPH) are Wanareja, Majenang, Lumbir, Sidareja, Kawunganten, Bokol, East Rawa, and West Rawa, with an area per BKPH as follows: Wanareja 9,725.74 Ha, Majenang 10,133.55 Ha, Lumbir 6,422, 29 Ha, Sidareja 4,283.72 Ha, Kawunganten 5,163.36 Ha, Bokol 3,754.43 Ha, East Rawa 11,576.28 Ha, and West Rawa 4,503.62 Ha.


Public Summary KPH Banyumas Barat


Administratur Name : Arif Fitri Saputra

Perum Perhutani KPH
Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah
JL. Laksda Yos Sudarso, Purwokerto

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