The Cepu Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of the management units in the Unit I area of Central Java. Its area is 33,017.29 Ha, covering forest areas in Blora Regency, Central Java Province, Tuban Regency and Bojonegoro, East Java Province.
Based on the geographical location, it is located between 111° 23’58” East Longitude to 111°39’44” East Longitude and 06°57’00” South Latitude to 07°10’45” South Latitude.
In the north, the Cepu forest area is located in the Kendeng mountains; in the west, it is included in the Lusi watershed, while in the south, it is a buffer area for the Bengawan Solo river flow.
The soil types of the forest area are primarily rocky (limestone), with soil types in forest areas generally consisting of 5 soil types: Leptosol, Grumosol, Mediterranean, Alluvial and Regosol. Most soil is dark grey grumusols and associations of greyish brown and yellowish grumusols.
The forest area is located at an altitude of 30-250 m above sea level, with a climate of type C and D, according to Schmidt & Ferguson. The environment with this type of climate is very suitable for planting teak stands. The average temperature is 26o C, and the average rainfall is 1,636 mm/year.
The forest management of KPH Cepu is divided into 2 Forest Management Sub Units (SKPH), namely SKPH North Cepu and SKPH South Cepu and divided into 12 (twelve) Forest Management Units (BKPH) and 41 Forest Management Resorts (RPH). There are 499 KPH Cepu employees.
The North Cepu sub-KPH consists of BKPH Wonogadung (2,423.64 ha), BKPH Cabak (2,616.79 ha), BKPH Nglebur (2,644.19 ha), BKPH Kedewan(2,746.37 ha), BKPH Nanas (2,576.19 ha), and BKPH Sekaran (3,202.73 ha).
The South Cepu sub-KPH consists of BKPH Blungun (2,360.13 ha), BKPH Pasarsore (2,990.33 ha), BKPH Ledok (2,942.66 ha), BKPH Pucung (2,732.70 ha), BKPH Kendilan (2,868.70 ha), and BKPH Nglobo (2,912, 86 ha). (see: area map)
Administratur Name : Mustopo
Perum Perhutani KPH Cepu
Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah
JL. Sorogo, No. 2, Cepu Kode pos 58313
Telp : 0296 – 421352
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