Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) South Kedu has a forest area of 44.930,91 Ha. Based on its function, it consists of: Production Forest 7.944,25 Ha (17.6 %), Protected Forest 4.245,51 Ha (9.5%) and Limited Production Forest is covering 32 741,15 Ha (72.9 %).
Forest area based on government administration area includes: Purworejo Regency: 8.956,61 Ha (19.8% %), Kebumen Regency: 18.853 ,56 Ha (42.5 %), Banjarnegara Regency: 5.611,47 Ha (12.3% %), Wonosobo Regency: 8.605,32 Ha (19.0%), Banyumas Regency: 2.903,95 Ha (6.5%).
Forest area based on Forest Management Unit (BKPH) area includes: BKPH Purworejo: 9.209,58 Ha (20.4 %), BKPH Ngadisono: 6.564 ,66 Ha (15.0 %), BKPH Kebumen: 6.864 ,94 Ha (15 .1 %), BKPH Karanganyar: 4.926 ,93 Ha (11.0 %), BKPH North Gombong: 6.718,87 Ha (15.0 %), BKPH South Gombong: 4.260 ,04 Ha ( 9.5 %), and BKPH Banjarnegara: 6.385 ,89 Ha (14,4% %).
Forest area based on Company Class for each Forest Section includes: BH Wadaslintang (Pine) : 17.758, 78 Ha (39.1 %), BH North Gombong (Pine) : 12.346,20 Ha (27.6 %), BH Midangan Sapuran (Resin): 10.565,89 Ha (23.7 %), BH South Gombong (Taek): 4.260,04 Ha (9.5%)
Soil Type : Grumusol, Regusol, Mediteran, Leptosol, Latosol, and Alluvial.
High Conservation Valur Forest (HCVF) 2021
Hasil Konsultasi Publik Penerapan FSC Controlled Wood & High Conservation Value Forest
Feedback Tanggapan Stakeholder Puclic Consultation CW & HCVF
Administratur Name : Usep Rustandi
Perum Perhutani KPH Kedu Selatan
Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah
JL. Ahmad Yani No. 23A, Purworejo 54111
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