Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) North Kedu is one of the management units in the Central Java Regional Division.

The working area of ​​Perum Perhutani KPH North Kedu is 36,343.39 Ha, covering an area of ​​5,095.13 Ha in Kendal Regency, 5,276.95 Ha in Magelang Regency, 2,537.92 Ha in Semarang Regency, 13,504.93 Ha in Temanggung Regency, and 9,928.46 Ha in Wonosobo Regency.

North Kedu KPH is divided into two (2) Company Class (KP) Pine covering 25,069.00 Ha and Mahogany KP 11,274.39 Ha and based on its function divided into Limited Production Forest (HPT) > 15% covering 10,959.22 Ha, Production Forest (HP) is 12,781.64 Ha, and ProtectedForest (HL) is 12,602.53 Ha.

KPH Kedu Utara is geographically located between 2°55” to 3°45” east longitude and 7°00” to 7°42” south latitude and borders:

  • North: Bordering with KPH Kendal working area
  • East: Bordering with ​​KPH Kendal and KPH Surakarta working area
  • South: Bordering with KPH South Kedu and PHW II Yogyakarta working area
  • West: Bordering with KPH East Banyumas KPH

Based on the boundaries of the North Kedu KPH, it is divided into 5 Forest Sections (BH): BH Ambarawa, covering an area of ​​6,004.52 Ha, BH Magelang covering an area of ​​3,705.56 Ha, BH Temanggung covering an area of​​5,430.46 Ha, BH Wonosobo covering an area of ​​9,928.46 Ha, and BH Candiroto covering an area of ​​11,274.39 Ha.

The topography of the forest area of ​​Perum Perhutani KPH North Kedu consists of the following:

  1. Flat (slope) 0-8%) = 1.10%
  2. Slope (slope 8-15 %) = 5.25%
  3. Wavy (Slope 15-25 %) =12.05%
  4. Slightly Steep (Slope 25-40 %) = 35.27%
  5. Steep (slope > 40 %) = 46.32%

According to Schmidt Ferguson, the climate type of KPH North Kedu is climate type C, with the highest wet month in August and the lowest wet month in April.

The management of the KPH North Kedu Forest Area is divided into 5 Forest Management Unit Sections (BKPH), i.e. BKPH Ambarawa, BKPH Magelang, BKPH Temanggung, BKPH Candiroto, and BKPH Wonosobo with 21 Forest Management Resorts (RPH).

Public Summary

HCVF dan Konsultasi Publik

Administratur Name : Maria Endah Ambarwati

Perum Perhutani KPH Kedu Utara
Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah
JL. Veteran No. 30, Magelang, Central Java 56117

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