Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) West Pekalongan is one of the management units in the Central Java Regional Division with an area of ​​40.748,31 Ha, which includes forest area in Brebes Regency 27.206,25 ha, Tegal Regency 8.418,88 ha, and Pemalang Regency 5.123,18 ha.

Based on its function, it consists of a Production Forest covering an area of ​​8.450,2 Ha, a Protected Forest of 10.252,62 Ha, and a Limited Production Forest (HPT) of ​​22,040.94 Ha.

The geographical location of KPH West Pekalongan is 7o °19’38” South Latitude to 7o °48’5” South Latitude and 108 °o4’32” East Longitude up to 109 °28’51” East Longitude. According to Schmidt-Ferguson, the KPH Pekalongan area has climate type C, with an average rainfall of 17 mm to 22 mm/month or 201 to 261 mm/year, with an altitude between 60 to 3432 masl.

Work Area Boundary :

  • North: KPH Balapulang of Tegal Regency, Perum Perhutani Central Java Regional Division
  • East : KPH Pemalang & KPH East Pekalongan of Pemalang Regency, Perum Perhutani Central Java Regional Division
  • South: KPH West Banyumas & KPH East Banyumas of Banyumas Regency, KPH Perum Perhutani Central Java Regional Division
  • West: KPH Kuningan of Kuningan Regency, Perum Perhutani West Java Regional Division

For the sake of planning, the forest area of ​​the KPH West Pekalongan is grouped into 3 (three) forest sections (BH), with the company class of Pine forest with the type of soil in each area as follows:

  • BH Bumiayu (9.468,70 Ha), Soil Type: Association of Reddish Brown Latosol, Brown Latosol, Reddish Brown & Dark Brown Latosol.
  • BH Bantarkawung (17.737,55 Ha), Soil Type: Reddish Dark Brown & Brown Latosol, Association of Brown Latosol & Gray Regosol, Yellowish Red Latosol
  • BH Bumijawa (13.542,06 Ha), Soil Type: Reddish & Brown Dark Brown Latosol, Brown Latosol Association & Gray Regosol, Yellowish Red Padsolic & Mixed Regosol, Yellowish Brown Andosol

Meanwhile, in the work area division, KPH West Pekalongan is divided into 5 Forest Management Units (BKPH). The number of BKPHs and their respective areas are as follows:

  1. BKPH Salem : 10.077,07 Ha (under Brebes Regency, including Salem Sub-district)
  2. BKPH Bantarkawung : 9.516,13 Ha (under Brebes Regency, including Bantarkawung and Bumiayu Sub-districts)
  3. BKPH Paguyangan : 7.613,05 Ha (under Brebes Regency, including Sirampog and Paguyangan Sub-districts)
  4. BKPH Bumijawa : 6.239,79 Ha (under Tegal Regency, including Bumijawa Sub-district)
  5. BKPH Moga : 7.302,27 Ha (under Pemalang Regency, including Moga and Pulosari Sub-districts and Tegal Regency, Jatinegara District).

Each BKPH has 4-5 Forest Management Resorts (RPH). In KPH West Pekalongan, there are 22 RPH. 

The number of employees is 232 people.

Administratur Name: Prasetyo Lukito

Perum Perhutani KPH Pekalongan Barat
Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah
Jl. Raya Raya Procot No.43 Tegal – Jawa Tengah
Telp : (0283) 442380

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