Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) West Pekalongan is one of the management units in the Central Java Regional Division with an area of 40.748,31 Ha, which includes forest area in Brebes Regency 27.206,25 ha, Tegal Regency 8.418,88 ha, and Pemalang Regency 5.123,18 ha.
Based on its function, it consists of a Production Forest covering an area of 8.450,2 Ha, a Protected Forest of 10.252,62 Ha, and a Limited Production Forest (HPT) of 22,040.94 Ha.
The geographical location of KPH West Pekalongan is 7o °19’38” South Latitude to 7o °48’5” South Latitude and 108 °o4’32” East Longitude up to 109 °28’51” East Longitude. According to Schmidt-Ferguson, the KPH Pekalongan area has climate type C, with an average rainfall of 17 mm to 22 mm/month or 201 to 261 mm/year, with an altitude between 60 to 3432 masl.
Work Area Boundary :
For the sake of planning, the forest area of the KPH West Pekalongan is grouped into 3 (three) forest sections (BH), with the company class of Pine forest with the type of soil in each area as follows:
Meanwhile, in the work area division, KPH West Pekalongan is divided into 5 Forest Management Units (BKPH). The number of BKPHs and their respective areas are as follows:
Each BKPH has 4-5 Forest Management Resorts (RPH). In KPH West Pekalongan, there are 22 RPH.
The number of employees is 232 people.
Administratur Name: Prasetyo Lukito
Perum Perhutani KPH Pekalongan Barat
Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah
Jl. Raya Raya Procot No.43 Tegal – Jawa Tengah
Telp : (0283) 442380
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