Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) Pemalang is one of the management units in the Central Java Regional Division. KPH Pemalang was formed based on the Decree of the Board of Directors No. 619/KPTS/DIR on 25 April 2013. Its area is 24,392.67 Ha, covering an area of ​​8,494.30 Ha in Tegal Regency and 15,898.37 Ha in Pemalang Regency, Central Java Province.

Geographically, it is located between 109°17’30” East Longitude to 109°40’30” East Longitude and 08°52’30” South Latitude to 07°20’00” South Latitude.

KPH Pemalang area has a flat, wavy, sloping and steep field configuration. Meanwhile, the soil condition of the forest area in KPH Pemalang is generally medium to clay textured, and the structure is crumb to lumpy. Mostly latosol type with characteristics: pH 4.5 – 6.5, organic matter content in the topsoil as much as 3 – 10%, base saturation 20 – 65%, a moderate absorption capacity of 15-25 cm/second, high permeability and low sensitivity to erosion.

The forest area is located at an altitude of 15-270 m above sea level, with a climate of type C and D, according to Schmidt & Ferguson. The environment with this type of climate is very suitable for planting teak stands. The average temperature in the Pemalang district is 27.1o C, and the average rainfall is 2,731 mm/year.

The forest in the KPH Pemalang area is dominated by jati (teak) 18,554.40 ha, karet (rubber) 1,587.20 ha, mindi (chinaberry) 473.40 ha, sengon (Albizia Chinensis) 430.40 ha, mahoni (mahogany) 473.30 ha, jabon (burflower-tree) 179.60 ha, Acacia Mangium 98.70 ha, sonokeling (rosewood) covering an area of ​​29.70 Ha, randu (kapok tree) 15.10 Ha, other jungle plants of ​​763.40 Ha and the unplanted area of ​​1,787.47 Ha. KPH Pemalang has several leading tourist attractions, i.e.:

  •   Getek Springs, located in the village of Kebon Gede, Bantarbolang Sub-district, Pemalang Regency, under​​BKPH Bantarsari’s work area
  •   Wrayan View, situated in Lebak Wangi Village, Jatinegara Sub-district, Tegal Regency, under BKPH Jatinegara’s work area
  •   Gajah Mountain, located in Gongseng Village, Randudongkal Sub-district, Pemalang Regency, under BKPH Cipero’s work area

KPH Pemalang is divided into 6 (six) Forest Management Units (BKPH), 20 (twenty) Forest Management Resorts (RPH) and 2 (two) Timber Stockpiles (TPK) with 269 employees.

KPH Pemalang consists of BKPH Jatinegara (3,752.7 ha), BKPH Kedungjati (3,414.2 ha), BKPH Cipero (4,312.4 ha), BKPH Slarang (3,546.1 ha), BKPH Bantarsari (3,584.5 ha), and BKPH Sokawati (2,988.8 ha).

Administratur Name : Uum Maksum

Perum Perhutani KPH Pemalang
Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah
JL. Jend Sudirman Timur No. 1, Pemalang
Telp : 0284 – 321627

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