Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) Telawa is one of the management units in the Central Java Regional Division. Its area is 18,667.30 Ha, covering forest areas in Boyolali, Grobogan, and Sragen Regencies. Based on the Revised RPKH of 2009 to 2018 period, for 2014 to 2018, the KPH Telawa forest area is a Production Forest Area of ​​18,667.3 Ha consisting of Protected Forest (2,297.4 Ha (12.3 %)), Production Forest (15,933.0 Ha (85.4%)), and Non-Production area (436.9 Ha (2.3%)).

Based on BATB (Official Report on Land Boundary) in 1926 – 1927 and BATB in 1937, KPH Telawa is a production forest with topography consisting of 8.49% flat land, sloping (65.17%), wavy (22.59%) and rather steep (3.75%). KPH Telawa is located at an altitude of 17 to 379.3 above sea level. Based on geology, the soils consist of limestone, other stones, and volcanic. The climate in the KPH Telawa area is type C, with rainfall of 95.76mm per year.

Based on the results of research conducted by TWG Dames (Map of Soil Review in 1955) and Soeprapto Hardjo et al. (1957), various types of soil found in the KPH Telawa forest area are grey regosol, grumosol, dark grey grumusol, leptosol, Mediterranean leptosol and Rensina. The most dominant soil types in the KPH Telawa forest area are grey regosol and dark grey grumusol. The composition of soil types in each Forest Section (BH) in KPH Telawa is as follows:

  1. BH Telawa comprises complex soil types of grey regosol, dark grey grumusol, and grumusol.
  2. BH Karangsono comprises complex soil types of grey regosol, dark grey grumusol, Mediterranean leptosol and Rensina.
  3. BH Karanggede comprises complex soil types of grey regosol, dark grey grumusol and associations of leptosol and dark grey grumusol.
  4. BH Gemolong comprises a type of association soil of leptosol and dark grey grumusol.

Forest area management in KPH Telawa is divided into 7 BKPH and 28 RPH. Each RPH has field implementers for plant activities, maintenance, thinning, security, extension/social assistants, environmental assistants, and logging (BKPH).

The seven BKPHs are Karangrayung, Ketawar, Krobokan, Karangwinong, Kedung Cumpleng, Guwo and Gemolong. The area of ​​BKPH Karangrayung is 2,562.9 Ha, covering the working area of ​​RPH Termas, RPH Sumber, RPH Soroweyo and RPH Lengkong. BKPH Ketawar has an area of ​​1,923.0 Ha, in charge of RPH Larangan, RPH Mangin, RPH Cekel and RPH Kedunggedang. BKPH Karangwinong covers an area of ​​2,718.6 hectares, overseeing RPH Brangkal, RPH, Rejosari, RPH Karangwinong, and RPH Karengan.

Meanwhile, BKPH Kedung Cumpleng has an area of ​​3,004.7 hectares, managing RPH KedungJati, RPH Bulu, RPH Bodeh and RPH Ngaren. BKPH Krobokan has an area of ​​2,917.8 Ha, overseeing RPH Bercak, RPH Wuluhgede, RPH Kedungdawung and RPH Ledok. BKPH Guwo has an area of ​​2,514.4 Ha, in charge of RPH Guwo, RPH Bogor, RPH Sokokerep, and RPH Ngombo. Lastly, BKPH Gemolong 2,625.3 ha managing RPH Grenjengan, RPH Juranggandul, RPH Kadirejo, and RPH Kedungtombro. In addition, the KPH Telawa area also covers a groove area of​​400.60 Ha. (See: Area Map).

Administratur Name : Angkat Wijanto

Perum Perhutani KPH Telawa
Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah
Jl. Acasia-Juwangi, Telawa Kabupaten Boyolali Kode Pos : 57391
Telp :
Fax  : (0292) 658522

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