The Blitar Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of the Forest Resources Management Units (SDH) of Perum Perhutani East Java Regional Division domiciled in Blitar Regency, with forest areas managed by KPH Blitar with the division of Forest Sections (BH) as follows:

  1. BH Boyolangu I and II with a period of 2015 – 2025 and
  2. BH Blitar, Kesamben, and Wlingi with a period of 2009 – 2018 with a total area of ​​57.571,37 Ha

Covers 3 District Areas:

  1. Blitar Regency covers an area of ​​35,442.5 Ha (61%),
  2. Tulungagung Regency covers an area of ​​19,132.0 Ha (34%),
  3. Malang Regency covers an area of ​​2,753.3 Ha (5%).

The KPH carry out management and monitoring activities in a planned and structured manner to ensure the sustainability of the Economic, Environmental and Social Functions. Environmental management and monitoring are carried out in production, protection and other designations. From planting activities, making terraces and mounds, planting intercrops, fillers, edges and fences, inventory, identification and marking of protected areas, installation and location determination of measuring instruments (SPL Erosion, SPL Bak, SPL Stick, Ombrometer). Meanwhile, social management and monitoring are carried out on two main targets: forest village communities (LMDH) and Perhutani employees. So it is hoped that there will be a gradual increase in their independence, ability and standard of living.

Management and monitoring activities of forest resources (production, environmental and social) of KPH Blitar need to be carried out using the correct method following the respective indicators, which exist in these three aspects to ensure the sustainability of the functions and benefits of forest resources (SDH). Proper management and monitoring activities will be able to oversee the process in each activity and will significantly determine the success of the KPH Blitar in managing the SDH in its area. Togetherness and understanding with all related parties, especially forest village communities, in the forest development process are also very decisive, especially in this era of openness. It is hoped that the active involvement of the community in managing and monitoring will be able to accelerate the recovery process and maintain the preservation of the potential of existing forest resources.

In the context of developing human resources, KPH Blitar always strives to improve the competence of its workforce through education and training programs. However, efforts have also been developed for communities around the forest through PHBM programs owned by the company. (see  : KPH Map)

Kelola Produksi

Kelola Lingkungan

Kelola Sosial

Rencana Pengelolaan  Kawasan Bernilai Konservasi Tinggi (KBKT)


Dokumen Konsultasi Publik  :

Dokumen Konsultasi Publik Controlled Wood dan Kawasan Bernilai Konservasi Tinggi (KBKT) /HCVF – Tahun  2016

Acton Plan Tindak Lanjut Konsultasi Publik 2016

Dokumen Tanggapan Controlled Wood FSC 2016

Dokumen Tanggapan Re-Idenifikasi KBKT (Kawasan Bernilai Konservasi Tinggi) Tahun 2016


Administratur Name : Andy Iswindarto

Perum Perhutani KPH Blitar
Divisi Regional Jawa Timur
Jl. S. Supriyadi No. 24 Bendogerit Kec. Sanan Wetan Kodya Blitar
Telp:  (0342) 801892 -801992 – 806726
Fax: (0342) 86726

Email  :