Perum Perhutani Jatirogo Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of the management units in the East Java Regional Division. Its area is 18,763.2 Ha, covering forest areas in Tuban Regency and Bojonegoro Regency. Based on the evaluation of the potential of forest resources in 2015, the KPH Jatirogo forest area is a Production Forest covering an area of ​​18.623,10 Ha , a Protected Forest Area covering an area of ​​597.6 Ha (3.2%), Non-Production areas covering an area of ​​250.7 Ha (1.4%) and protected forest area of ​​140.1 Ha (0.7%).

KPH Jatirogo area is located at an altitude of 0-300 meters above sea level. Based on the slope and contour map of KPH Jatirogo scale 1: 50,000 published by the Planning Bureau of SDH, Perum Perhutani East Java Regional Division in 2007, the slope of this land varies greatly, from flat to steep (land slope from 0 to 40%).

Most of the land has a gentle slope (8 to 15%), which is 10,955.60 Ha (58.39%).

The KPH Jatirogo forest area has 3 (three) Forest Sections (BH) with teak company classes and soil types as follows:

  1. BH Bangilan, soil type: Leptosol, Mediterranean, Renzina
  2. BH Ngijo, soil type: Grumusol, Leptosol, Mediterranean, Renzina.
  3. BH Bancar, soil type: Grumusol, Leptosol, Mediterranean, Renzina.

Forest area management in KPH Jatirogo is divided into 6 (six) BKPHs and 23 RPHs. Each RPH has field implementers for plant activities, maintenance, thinning, security, extension/social assistants, environmental assistants, and logging (BKPH).

The six BKPHs are BKPH Bangilan, BKPH Bate, BKPH Sekaran, BKPH Bahoro, BKPH Bancar and BKPH Ngulangan. The area of ​​BKPH Bangilan is 2,700.6 Ha, covering the working areas of RPH Nglateng, RPH Kebonduren, RPH Kejuron and RPH Karanggeneng. BKPH Bate has an area of ​​3,125.9 Ha, including RPH Guwaran, RPH Bate, RPH Kaligede and RPH Sokomedalem. BKPH Sekaran covers an area of​​2,874.3 Ha, overseeing RPH Sadang, RPH Demit, RPH Bangsri, and RPH Ngijo.

Meanwhile, BKPH Bahoro has an area of ​​3,664.7 Ha, in charge of RPH Tawun, RPH Tuwiwiyan, RPH Banjarwaru and RPH Bakalan. BKPH Bancar covers an area of ​​3,436.2 Ha, covering RPH Kayen, RPH Siding, RPH Sukoharjo and RPH Sekaran. Then BKPH Nguhanan has an area of ​​2,961.5 Ha, overseeing RPH Gandu, RPH Ngelo and RPH Dikir. In addition, the KPH Jatirogo area also covers an area of ​​204.5 hectares. (See: Map Area )

There are 179 employees of KPH Jatirogo.

Public Summary


Administratur Name : Dedy Siswandhi

Perum Perhutani KPH Jatirogo
Divisi Regional Jawa Timur
Jl. Raya Barat 17 Jatirogo Tuban Kode Pos 62362
Tlp. 0356-551369
Fax. 0356-551750

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