Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) Jember is one of the management units in the East Java Regional Division. Its area is 71,784.99 ha, covering forest areas in the administrative area of the Jember Regency. It is divided into three areas of Forest Section (BH), i.e. BH South Lereng Yang, BH South Jember and BH Sempolan; 7 areas of the Forest Management Unit (BKPH), i.e. BKPH West Lereng, BKPH East Lereng Yang, BKPH Sumberjambe, BKPH Sempolan, BKPH Mayang, BKPH Ambulu, BKPH Wuluhan and 24 Forest Management Resort (RPH) areas. In structuring the watershed (DAS), it is included in the Sampean watershed area.
Based on the evaluation of forest resource potential in 2021, the forest area of KPH Jember consists of Production Areas covering an area of 32.170,863 (30.93%), Protected Areas covering an area of 7,960.08 ha (11.08 %), Non-Production Areas covering an area of 2,007, 24 ha (2.41%) and Protected Forest covering an area of 39.614,13 ha (55.18%).
The boundaries of the KPH Jember forest management area are:
– North: KPH Bondowoso.
– East: KPH West Banyuwangi
– South: Meru Betiri National Park and the Indian Ocean
– West: KPH Probolinggo
The topography of the forest area under KPH Jember management is located at an altitude between 10-1,500 m above sea level. With slopes varying from grade 1 (flat) = 7.00% or an area of 4,928.40 ha, slope 2 (sloping) = 47.23%, slope 3 (slightly steep) = 26.82%, slope 4 (steep) = 16.85%, up to a slope of 5 (steep) = 2.13%. Geographically, it is located at East Longitude 6°27’29” to 7°14’35” and South Latitude 7°59’6″ to 8°33’56”.
Based on the geological formation, the soil consists of regosol, latosol, andosol, and the rocks that make up the soil consist of young quaternary volcanic product, miocene sedimentary facies, Alluvium, Liparite (L), Dacite (Da) and miocene limestone facies. The climate in the KPH Jember area spreads from types B, C and D with rainfall in the wet month of more than 100 mm/month, in the dry month of less than 60 mm/month, and an average rainfall of 2,013 mm/year.
Forest area management in KPH Jember is organized into 7 BKPH and 24 RPH. Each RPH has field implementers for plant activities, maintenance, thinning, security, extension/social assistants, environmental assistants, and logging. KPH JEMBER employees are 290, with 281 male and nine female employees.
The seven BKPH areas are divided into smaller management areas, namely the Forest Pemangkuan Resort (RPH), with each BKPH covering:
(See : KPH Map)
Dokumen Konsultasi Publik :
Dokumen Hasil Konsultasi Publik Controlled Wood dan Konsultasi Publik Kawasan Bernilai Konservasi Tinggi (KBKT)/HCVF – Tahun 2017
Administratur Name : Eko Teguh Prasetyo
Perum Perhutani KPH Jember
Divisi Regional Jawa Timur
Jl. Letjen S. Parman No. 4 Jember
Telp: 0331-336841
Fax: 0331-336421
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