Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) Madura is one of the management units in the East Java Regional Division. The area of ​​KPH Madura based on the RPKH (Forest Sustainability Management Plan) book is 43.586,70 ha. The forest area of ​​the KPH Madura working area spreads over four districts, including Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan and Sumenep regencies. Geographically, the working area of​​KPH Madura is located between 6o41’59” South Latitude to 7o16’50” South Latitude and 112o41’43” East Longitude to 115o58’42” East Longitude. The area of Production Forests is 25,141.30 hectares and the area of Protected Forests is 18,445.4 hectares.
The forest area based on the status of the forest section (BH) includes:


  • BH West Madura: 5,244.40 ha.
  • BH East Madura: 3,632.70 ha.
  • BH Kangean  25,678,80 ha.
  • BH Paliat Island: 4,417.20 ha.
  • BH. Sepanjang Island: 8,148,10 ha.
    Total : 47.121,20 ha.

KPH Madura manages a widespread landscape and forest area distribution from the Madura strait, the westernmost tip of the island, to the eastern end of Sepanjang island of +450km. Plots dominate the forest area landscape with an extreme distribution between fields. The sub-plots are not close to each other, with a stretch of an area dominated by limestone (Bad Rock) with near marginal soil and the socio-economic and cultural environment typical of the Madura archipelago. The climate in Madura is classified as C & D (Schmidt and Ferguson). The soil status is generally barren and arid with earthy rock composition. The parent rock materials are clay deposits, intermediate volcanic tuff (latosol), sedimentary and volcanic rocks, volcanic tuff and marl and intermediate (Mediterranean) volcanic tuff. The soil texture is medium to clayey—crumb to lumpy soil structure. The soil has a pH of 4.5 – 6.5, topsoil organic content of 3 – 10%, an absorption capacity of 15 – 25 cm/sec, high permeability and low erosion sensitivity.

The number of KPH Madura employees as of December 2017 was 199 people. The organizational structure of KPH Madura is structured dynamically according to the company’s development. In carrying out operational activities, KPH Madura forms a sub-organization in the field led by an Asper/KBKPH assisted by several KRPHs.


    Area: 3,999.4 Ha, located in Bangkalan & Sampang Regency
    Consists of 3 RPH: RPH Sepulu, Blega and Sampang
    Area: 4,877.70 Ha, located in Pamekasan and Sumenep Regency
    Consists of 4 RPH: RPH Pamekasan, Sumenep, Pasongsongan and Dungkek
    Area: 5,661.70 Ha, located in Sumenep Regency
    Consisting of 3 RPH: RPH Arjasa, Sawah Sumur and Aengkokap
    Area: 24,434.30 Ha, located in Sumenep Regency
    Consists of 5 RPH: RPH Patapan, Kangayan, Tembayangan, West Paliat and East Paliat
    Total area: 8,148.10 Ha, located in Sumenep Regency
    Consists of 3 RPH: RPH Calung, Beng Beng and Sigentong

Public Summary KPH Madura

Administratur Name : Joko Siswantoro

Perum Perhutani KPH Madura
Divisi Regional Jawa Timur
Jl. Jokotole No. 190 Pamekasan
Telp. (0324) 322549
Fax : (0324) 322548

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