The working area of Perum Perhutani KPH Ngawi is 35.102,66 Ha, consisting of a Production Forest of 35.088,56 Ha or (99,96%), Protected Forest of 14,10 Ha or (0,04%).
KPH Ngawi is under the administrative areas of:
The livelihoods of residents under the KPH Ngawi area are Farmers (agriculture), Traders (trade), Civil Servants/military (ABRI), hodge (farm hands), et cetera.
The concession area of KPH Ngawi per the Forest Function Map of KPH Ngawi is 35.102,66 Ha, all classified as Teak Company Class (KP).
Geographical location 110?26’40” – 111?40′ East Longitude 7?24’26” – 7?31’00” South Latitude
Work Area:
– Ngawi Regency Forestry and Plantation Service
– Department of Agriculture, Forestry Sector of Bojonegoro Regency
– Blora Regency Forestry and Plantation Service
– East Java Provincial Forestry Service
– Central Java Provincial Forestry Service
KPH Ngawi boundaries:
Territory Division
Based on planning, the KPH Ngawi forest area is divided into 8 (eight) forest sections (BH):
a) BH North Walikukun : 9.959,90 ha
b) BH South Walikukun : 5.522,90 ha
c) BH North Kedunggala r: 6.064,50 ha
d) BH South Kedunggalar : 4.515,20 ha
e) BH Ngandong: 5.547,60 ha
f) BH Kedawak : 5.162,80 ha
g) BH Getas : 5.343,50 ha
h) BH Geneng : 3.793,30 ha
KPH Ngawi is also divided into three work areas or Sub KPHs (SKPH): SKPH East Ngawi, SKPH Central Ngawi and SKPH West Ngawi, which are divided into 14 Forest Management Units (BKPH) and 55 Forest Management Resorts (RPH).
Based on the administrative area, KPH Ngawi is divided into three :
1. Ngawi Regency : 35.201,80 ha
2. Blora Regency : 38.257,70 ha
3. Bojonegoro Regency : 32.447,60 ha
2) Area Division Based on Village Administration
Administratively, the working area of KPH Ngawi is in the province of East Java and Central Java, consisting of three regencies, 20 sub-districts, and 85 villages. (See: Peta Wilayah Kerja)
Administratur Name : Andi Adrian Hidayat
Perum Perhutani KPH Ngawi
Divisi Regional Jawa Timur
Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 10 Ngawi
Telp : 0351 749019
Fax : 0351 749720
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