Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) Padangan is one of the forest-resource management work units of the East Java Regional Division. The KPH Padangan plantation forest concession area, per the Forest Function Map of the KPH Padangan, is 27.854,93 Ha, consisting of the Teak Company Class (KP).
Based on its function, the KPH Padangan forest area is divided into 3 (three) groups, a production area of 27.850,35 ha, a protection area of 4,58 ha and a non-production area.
Management and monitoring activities are planned and structured to ensure the sustainability of economic, environmental and social functions.
Administratively, the forest area of KPH Padangan is located in the administrative area of the Bojonegoro regional government.
The geographical location of KPH Padangan is 7°08’35” South Latitude to 7°23’00” South Latitude and 111°25’25 East Longitude” to 111°43’40” East Longitude.
KPH Padangan is under the care of the Bojonegoro Regency Forestry and Plantation Service and the East Java Provincial Forestry Service, and the Bengawan Solo Watershed (DAS).
KPH Padangan boundaries: North to the northeast: Bengawan Solo river, East: KPH Bojonegoro, South: KPH Ngawi and Saradan, West to the north: Bengawan Solo river
The forest area of KPH Padangan is generally flat (0 – 8%), while from the south to the east, it is wavy to sloping with a slope of 15 – 25%.
A Watershed (DAS) is defined as a particular area whose shape and nature are such that it becomes a unit with the river and its tributaries that pass through the area in its function to accommodate water from rainfall and other water sources. Whose storage and distribution are collected and organized based on the laws of the surrounding nature for the sake of the balance of the area (PP. 3 of 1970 article 1, paragraph 13).
There are several rivers and creeks in KPH Padangan. On the western and northern sides, it is bordered by the Bengawan Solo river to the Purwosari area to the east of Bojonegoro city. (See: Area Map)
KPH Padangan has a climate type C based on the climate classification of Schmidt and Ferguson, with rainfall levels of 1,533 – 1,929 mm/year and an average of 1,694 mm/year. The rainfall data in KPH Padangan was obtained from rainfall data for the last five years. (Data source: DPPL KPH Padangan Manuscript of 2011)
Based on the Soil Review Map, Soil Research Institute, 1966, the types of soil found in the Padangan KPH area are quartz limestone, margalite and limestone margalite.
Administratur Name : Achmad Hidayat
Perum Perhutani KPH Padangan
Divisi Regional Jawa Timur
Jl. Diponegoro 83
Kecamatan Padangan
Telp : 0296 421354 / 421355
Fax : 0296 421353
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