Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) Tuban is one of the management units in the East Java Regional Division. Its area is 28.643,86 ha, covering forest area in Tuban Regency 19,412.4 ha (67.9 %), Lamongan Regency 8,177.7 ha (28.6 %), and Gresik Regency 1,012.4 ha (3.5%). The forest area consists of 3 (three) forest sections (BH). Based on the evaluation of forest resource potential in 2010, the KPH Tuban forest area consists of a Production Forest 28.246,33 ha, a Protected area 397,53 ha, and a Non-Production forest 1,966.4 ha, and Groove 163.6 ha.
Based on BATB (Official Report on Land Boundary) 1930-1931, the KPH Tuban is a production forest based on topography consisting of 33% sloping land, flat (56%), and wavy (11%).
KPH Tuban is located at an altitude of 0 to 500 above sea level. Its geographical Location is 111.30° – 112.35° East Longitude and 6.40° – 7.18° South Latitude. Based on geology, the land structure consists of clay, limestone, and marl. The climate in the KPH Tuban area is type D, with a rainfall of 220 mm per year.
The forest area of the KPH Tuban has 3 (three) Forest Sections (BH) with teak company classes (KP) and soil types as follows:
KPH Tuban forest area management is divided into West Tuban Sub and East Tuban Sub, 7 BKPH and 32 RPH. Each RPH has field implementers for plant activities, maintenance, thinning, security, extension/social assistants, environmental assistants, and logging (BKPH). There are 188 employees of KPH Tuban.
The seven BKPHs are BKPH Kerek, BKPH Merakurak, BKPH Jadi, BKPH Plumpang, BKPH Sundulan, BKPH Jompong and BKPH Kranji. The area of BKPH Kerek is 4,472.7 Ha, covering the working areas of RPH Gaji, RPH Sugihan, RPH Nglonde, RPH Simbatan and RPH Padasan. BKPH Merakurak (3,882.1 Ha), oversees RPH Senori, RPH Merakurak, RPH Becok and RPH Kebonagung. BKPH Jadi has an area of 4,331.7 hectares, in charge of RPH Jadi, RPH Gesikan, RPH Kareyan, RPH Bogor and RPH Sambongrejo. BKPH Plumpang (2,990.0 Ha) covers RPH Pakah, RPH Ngembes, RPH Suruhan and RPH Rengel.
Meanwhile, BKPH Sundulan has an area of 4,526.4 hectares, overseeing RPH Ngimbang, RPH Sigagak, RPH Kujung, RPH Wangun and RPH Kepodang. BKPH Jompong (5,787.7 ha), overseeing RPH Siman, RPH Pambon, RPH Lembor, RPH Gelap, RPH Gampang, and RPH Dadapan. BKPH Kranji has an area of 2,701.9 Ha, including RPH Kranji, RPH Solokuro, and RPH Panceng. In addition, the KPH Tuban also covers a groove area of 157.3 Ha. (See: Peta )
Administratur Name : Bayu Nugroho
Perum Perhutani KPH Tuban
Divisi Regional Jawa Timur
Jl. Gajah Mada 13 Tuban
Telp : 0356 321467
Fax : 0356 32400
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